
Project work in progress

Despite the ongoing pandemic, preparations for the project were in full swing. The first project milestones were reached in August: 1.the technical project for the agroforestry plot was completed by our partner and Gustavo Tramontin. He is a trained agricultural technician and is specialized in agroforestry systems, regenerative agriculture and capacity building for small farmers. The developed project contains all necessary data and information to plan and operate agroforestry:
  • Dimensioning and design of the 800m² demonstration field;
  • Definition and consortia of tree and one-year crops and intercropping;
  • Fertilization and soil improvement and planting plan;
  • Yield and cost plan during the first seven years;
  • Cost indicators such as cost/m² and payback;
  • Management plan for winter and summer crops;
  • Glossary.
The plan is available in English and Portuguese and can be requested from Project Manager Lutz Michaelis via ed.goet@sileahcim.ztul. 2.the high sand content first required a soil improvement with organic fertilizers and stone meal. Subsequently, in September, according to the specifications of the planting plan, native trees such as Ipê Amarelo, Grumixama or Uvaia as well as classical cultures such as cassava, beans and pumpkin were planted. order to document the growth of the agroforestry in the best possible way, three perspectives have been marked for photos, of which the pictures are taken every 2-4 weeks. And now after a good three weeks the first bean sprouts are already sprouting! 🙂  
The next project packages are the conversion of the barn into a training center and the design of educational trail signs that will illustrate different aspects of agroforestry systems and Ubaldo’s farm. The planned workshop with local small farmers will be postponed to 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic.