Greetings from our Board The Board of Technology without Borders (Technik ohne Grenzen e.V.) sends some good vibes from their annual strategy meeting in Erlangen. Looking forward to all our upcoming activities!
Powered by Solar! Electricity for our Sustainable Nursery School in Tanzania In February, Peter and Franzi have been to Tanzania finishing the work at the sustainable nursery school together with our partners at Trinity Academy. Here you can see the installation of the solar system. Thanks to all our friends and supporters!
Almost Finished! Last Steps Towards the Sustainable Kindergarten The winning team made it! In February, the remaining work on the sustainable nursery school was (almost) completed. A big THANK YOU goes to the Trinity team in Tanzania, the TeoG team in Germany, all Sponsors and Supporters, especially Tools for Life Foundation, Merck Family Foundation, Reinhold-Beitlich-Stiftung, Rotary International, and all those who never stopped working for our project!
Get an impression of our SDG workshops in Kenya In October, Stawisha Africa and TeoG had some great workshops on sustainability and SDGs at various schools in Ngiya. Get an impression of that in this video.
Karibu Sana! Sustainable nursery school ready to move in Remember when we started in summer last year with nothing but a fundament? Now, not even twelve months later, we are happy to report that the house is nearly finished and the first two groups of kids moved in.
Agroforestry Demonstration Farm in Drobo TSee how the Agroforestry Demonstration Farm in Drobo, Ghana, looks after one year! We have fruits, vegetables and animal farming in one spot.
Next construction phase in Tanzania The construction works at the nursery school at Trinity academy in Tanzania are ongoing. Last week, the first classroom and office were almost finished. We are positive that the first group of kids can start learning and playing here within the next months. However, there are still lots of things to do, so please keep donating for this project via betterplace or directly via our TeoG account.
Grüße vom TeoG Vorstand Der Vorstand grüßt von der Strategieklausur in Wiesbaden.
Further progress: Roof completed Technology without borders just started a project on the building and equipment of a sustainable nursery school toghether with the Trinity Academy in Tanzania. Now, the roof has been completed.
Progress: Sustainable nursery school in Tanzania Technology without borders just started a project on the building and equipment of a sustainable nursery school toghether with the Trinity Academy in Tanzania.
Upcoming: Sustainable nursery school in Tanzania Technology without borders just started a project on the building and equipment of a sustainable nursery school toghether with the Trinity Academy in Tanzania.
Agroforestry Demonstration Farm in Drobo, Ghana Technology without borders Ghana started an agroforestry demonstration farm together with a school in Drobo. The kids can help there and learn how to grow and harvest vegetables and fruits as well as farm animals. Find out more on the project homepage.
Project completion Ngi’ya Get impressions of our latest project on agroforestry and school gardens in March 2022. The project was a cooperation of Technology without borders and Stawisha Africa. Together, 10 school gardens and a tree nursery could be started.
Project finished in Nzindong See the implementation of our project “Water for Nzindong” in this video. It gives insight into the work of our team in Cameroon and tells you what exactly happened in Nzindong.
Tag des Ehrenamtes 2021 Am 5.12. is Tag des Ehrenamtes in Deutschland. Schon jetzt hat das BMI zusammen mit der Agentur INFOKontor dazu ehrenamtlich engagierte Personen in Deutschland interviewt. Wir sind natürlich auch dabei!
Planting Event 2021 Im Oktober hat TeoG in Kooperation mit dem Bundesforstbetrieb Schwarzenborn und dem Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik 5505 Bäume gepflanzt
Countdown running! In November 2021 we want to start the implementation for three of our Cameroon projects. Find more information on the project background for Nzindong and our planned activities in the video.
Agroforestry in Brazil The Agroforestry project is being implemented by the regional group of Technique without Borders Brazil in Arroio do Silva/SC, with the objective of bringing this concept closer to local small farmers.
We are Technik ohne Grenzen e.V.Technik ohne Grenzen does voluntary development cooperation since 2010. Join us! Why? See the answer in the nev video of RG Aschaffenburg.
TwB WASH Uganda Technik ohne Grenzen started a educational campaing at schools in Uganda in 2020, which focusses on water, sanitary issues and hygiene (WASH). Teachers and students can help to avoid water born diseases by applying their new knowledge.
WASH against COVID-19 “The choices that you make right now, could make a difference between life and death of someone else” (Sulman Muhanguzi, Laborassistent Ndejje University) „Protect yourself and your family and friends from Corona virus by following the hygiene measures! This message is brought to you by the Ugandan regional group of Technology without Borders”.
Well pumps for western CameroonHow do we prepare a pump for the transport to Cameroon? And by the way, how does a pump actually work?
Workshops in Bayangam During our preexploration in Cameroon for our projects in Nzindong and Bayangam we explained how water is stored in the ground, why groundwater is cleaner than surface water and where to drill a new well.
Water for Eritrea – Sand storage dam – A village fights for ist future A movie about our sand storage dam project in Begu-Valley, Eritrea, coming from our latest visit in October 2019. We are a group of engineers from Hamburg.
First Workshop of our project „sustainable university community“, TeoG Brazil on the production of waste bins for the university campus of Santa Catarina in Araranguá. The workshop ist he first action of this project on forming a more sustainable campus and increase TeoGs popularity.
Water supply and maintenance project – Kabonwule, Northern Ghana Kabonwule in Northern Region of Ghana lacks water during the dry season. Additionally, high fluoride-contents in the ground water lead to health issues. Our Ghanaian members Joseph, Edmund and John upgraded an old well with a new pump, adding a new water source to the village. Village inhabitants were trained on how to use an easy-to-get filter material to reduce fluoride concentrations in the drinking water. Find more infomration:
Winta Kesete Masters students at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) joined us on our trip in September and reports on our water project.
Video and Copyright by Kai Gebel More about the project
After successfull implementation of their project Arne and Annika have reported their experiences on 1.6.2016.The Team “Maintenance Support” (RG Erlangen, „Technik ohne Grenzen e.V.“) sees it as its task to support hospitals in developing countries with maintenance and repair works. During this project four hospitals were visited and supported with tools, trainings and practical assistance. Focus oft he praject was knowledge transfer. Most issues could be solved.
2014 Exploration Eritrea – RG Hamburg Preexploration sand storage dam
A Technik ohne Grenzen team implemented a solution fort he waste challenge of the Holy Family Hospital in Techiman (Ghana) in spring 2012. Training the staff, waste separation was managed and non-infectious plastics can now be given to a recycling company. Infectious wastes (syringes, needles etc.) can now be incinerated with low pollution of environment. A waste incineration with two ovens was constructed.
Klaas Jerit Witte and Hannes Schwessinger visited Akuapim, Ghana in spring 2012 and implemented the project „plastic disposal at schools in Ghana“.