Agroforestry systems for small holder farmers in Brazil

About the Project

Inicial Situation

With its long summers and high annual rainfall, the southern Brazilian climate is ideal for highly productive agriculture. According to the 2017 Agricultural Census, family farming employed more than 10 million people in September this year, representing 67% of the total number of people employed in agriculture and cattle ranching. Family farming also accounted for 23% of the total value of production of agricultural establishments. In recent years, not only organic food cultivation without chemicals but also agroforestry technology has become widespread in Brazil. Despite the generally economically better developed south of the country, there are only a few farmers who use this innovative concept of combined forestry and crop cultivation.  

Project goals and implementation

With this project, the regional group in Araranguá has therefore set itself the goal of bringing this concept closer to local small farmers. To this end, an agroforestry system (AFS) is to be developed and planted on a pilot farm. The technical project and fact sheet will serve as a template for further projects. Smallholders will be presented the advantages of AFS in a workshop and the pilot farm will be used as a demonstration area. In addition to the technical and practical basics of AFS, the workshop also includes a part on marketing strategies for the products and the use of social networks. In order to open up further income and educational opportunities for the regional smallholder group, an existing barn will be converted into a multi-purpose room, which will house a seed bank, tree nursery and space for further workshops and presentations.

International Cooperation

The project is being carried out in cooperation with local and German partners: In Brazil, the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Araranguá is a key element and is home to the Brazilian regional group. Another important project partner is the organic farmers' network "EcoVida", which provides the link to local smallholders and experts. On the German side, the project receives technical support from the Rottenburg am Neckar University of Applied Forest Sciences (HFR), which has many years of experience with research projects in forestry and regional management in both countries.

The project is financed by the Rotary Club Nürnberger Land as well as own funds from TeoG Germany and Brazil.


Google SketchUp of the multi-use-workshop

Donation Status


Project number

Project Leader

Lutz Michaelis

Regional Groups

  • Araranguá
  • Rottenburg

Project members

Prof. Dr. Kátia Madruga (UFSC Araranguá / TwB Brasilien)
João Barchik (Co-Project manager - TwB Brasilien)
Prof. Dr. Jens Poetsch (HFR / TwB Rottenburg)

Project Category



August 2020 - July 2021

Project stage



Conclusion workshop about agroforestry systems


Conclusion workshop about agroforestry systems

The last work package of our agroforestry project was fulfilled on 10.07.2021: A public workshop for smallholders and interested parties in the newly adapted multipurpose building on the premises of the organic farm Sítio Orgânico Serra e Mar in…

Training center and educational trail under construction


Training center and educational trail under construction

Our Agroforestry Project in Brazil has achieved another of its goals: the conversion of an existing shed into a multipurpose workshop on the Agroforestry System (AFS) site at the “Sítio Orgânico Serra e Mar” organic farm in Arroio do…

First harvest and further planning


First harvest and further planning

Since the implementation of the agroforestry system (AFS) at the Camping and Pousada Serra e Mar in September 2020, we have observed the beginning of the growth of a highly productive and biodiverse forest, composed of more than 30…

Project work in progress


Project work in progress

Despite the ongoing pandemic, preparations for the project were in full swing. The first project milestones were reached in August: 1.the technical project for the agroforestry plot was completed by our partner and Gustavo Tramontin. He is a trained…

Rough climate in southern Brazil


Rough climate in southern Brazil

Already in the preparatory phase of our project, our smallholder partners have to cope not only with the corona pandemic, but also with unusual weather.